Criminal Minds (2017) is a South Korean Crime Drama Series that follows highly trained profilers of National Criminal Investigation Team who tracks down criminals to solve cases.
- Son Hyun Joo as Kang Ki-Hyung
The team leader and a veteran NCI profiler who has published a book on criminology. Despite his aloof and expressionless exterior, he cares deeply for his team, whom he considers to be his second family.
- Lee Joon Gi as Kim Hyun Joon
A second-generation police officer joins the NCI at the recommendation of Kang Ki-hyung. His brash nature and temperament have put him at odds with Ki-hyung and Sun-woo at times but he quickly proves his worth with his attention to detail, sharp instincts, and accurate profiling skills.
- Moon Chae-won as Ha Sun-woo
An NCI agent and behavior analyst, her gruff demeanor and exacting mannerisms cause some friction between her and Hyun-Joon. She tends to follow protocol and goes by the book, in contrast to Hyun-joon, who tends to rely on his instincts and experience. It is eventually revealed that it is her way of coping with the horrors she regularly witnesses on the job.
- Yoo - Sun as Nana Hwang
She is the NCI's bubbly technical analyst who provides support from her computer.
- Lee Sun-Bin as Yoo Min-Young
She is the NCI's media liaison officer and handles press conferences.
- Go Yoon as Lee Han
The resident genius and holder of two doctorate degrees, he is a profiler who often follows the team to the field to analyze the crime scene or the suspect's house for further clues. He is socially awkward and has a tendency to spout encyclopedic facts at the wrong time.
What I like in this series are:
1. All profilers are smart and highly trained
2. They solve diffeent cases
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